MRM // McCann

Head of User Experience

Establishing and maintaining the strategic direction of the project and overseeing all UX and UI Design activities.

Activities: Journey mapping, Experience concepts, Content strategy, Information architecture, Wireframing & prototyping, UI & Interaction design


Experience Design

With a target audience who’ve grown up with technology, we couldn’t just tell them that Intel makes a difference in performance, we had to show them.

Polar explorer Ben Saunders and his partner Tarka L’Herpiniere were attempting to be the first people to complete the 1800 mile return journey from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole which British Royal Navy Captain Robert Scott famously attempted 1910-1912.

The expedition used Ultrabook devices powered by new 4th generation Intel processor technology to achieve unprecedented levels of communication, and record vital data from the Polar region, in temperatures of -45C.

In order to reach the audience in a way they would understand and engage with, we had to speak social.

Ben used an Ultrabook to broadcast his epic adventure, sharing it in real-time to a global audience.

He was able to update Twitter, Facebook and blog content along the way, as well as upload video content to a dedicated Expedition YouTube channel. Fans could interact directly with Ben via these social channels as well as through an online hub.

Ben’s journey was faithfully recreated in 360 degrees using GPS, topographic and weather data combined with content created whilst out on the ice to create an interactive journal, allowing the audience to relive the entire journey and follow in Saunders’ (and Scott’s) footsteps.

We created a digital destination that was an Antarctic experience itself. It included gamified expedition features (where users could experience extreme human survival by packing Ben’s sled), immersive videos and an interactive documentary allowing you to walk Ben’s route through an immersive 360 degree Antarctic landscape.


The documentary achieved almost 2 million interactions, with all activity driving a hard-to-reach audience to the Intel shop, increasing traffic from 9% to 30.4%.




average dwell time


new followers


increase in traffic to the Intel store


Best Digital Destination – Gold


IT & Telecommunications – Silver


Best use of Social Media for Brand Building – Bronze

Site of the day